Craig's Weekly Tips

Craig Reece's weekly tips.

Found 33 blog entries about Craig's Weekly Tips.

Spring Cleaning Guide

Spring cleaning is a chance to reset everything in your home. It’s a chance to catch up on all the cleaning tasks you’ve been meaning to get to or to do the ones that niggle at you. Instead of laying awake wondering when you last cleaned your mattress, for instance, spring cleaning is the nudge you need to get it done and get the idea out of your head. In addition, deep cleaning once a year staves off bigger problems, like a mold takeover of your grout. You can clear dust and grime from areas that hardly ever see the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner attachment. By the time spring cleaning is finished, your home will feel so fresh and clean—a state of habitation that will serve you well.


Bedding: You wash your sheets, pillow

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Many organizations have asked employees to work remotely during the coronavirus outbreak. If you've never worked from home, this can be a challenge.  For those new to remote working, here are some tips on how to make it work. 


  1.   Cut yourself some slack. Working from home can be a big transition. You might feel any combination of lonely, isolated, stressed, frustrated, anxious, unmotivated, or -- on the other hand -- relieved, relaxed, energized, or productive. It's all OK and normal. Any transition takes time to get used to, so try to be easy on yourself.
  2.   Take scheduled breaks. Try setting an alarm to get up and stretch every hour or so. (Standing desks, which at home may mean perching your laptop on top of a bookshelf, also pay
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If you're planning on selling your home or looking for ways to increase its value, here’s something to keep in mind: millennials will represent over 30% of homebuyers in the market this year. If you want to make your home seem more appealing to this constantly connected, tech-savvy generation, making a few tech-upgrades isn’t going to hurt. Here’s a list of some of our ideas:  

Programmable Thermostat
Even though Nest controls this industry, there are other products available that allow homeowners to alter their homes’ temperature from their phones. Not only are these features convenient for those who don’t want to leave the warmth of their couch to turn up the heat, they also could help save on energy bills.

Remote Controlled Shades

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Selling can be overwhelming. You're packing everything up, trying to make the house look pristine when all around you is what feels like chaos. Since buyers want that great first impression, you know it's important to declutter—often that means cleaning until your home looks like it's never been lived in. And while you’re rushing around, trying to find a new place for your items, it may seem like an impossible task.

Take a breather—it's actually easier than you think. Here are four staging tips that are so easy they may not have even crossed your mind:

Decorate for the potential buyer. You know who this is because you were once this person! If you're in a starter home neighborhood, the buyer will likely be a younger individual or couple who is

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When buying a home in Park City they are so many things to think of, but there are 4 things are very important to consider when buying a home.  One we have all heard of location, location, location!  The other three you may of heard of but not as much: Inspection, Homeowners Insurance, and electric work.  

To see more detail on why you shouldn't skimp on these four these see the full article here: 4 things not to skimp on when buying a home

As always if you have any questions concerning Deer Valley or Park City real estate please contact us.  


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It takes just 26 seconds for a guest to form an opinion of your home when they walk through the front door. What does your space say about you? While we try to resist the urge to judge, there's no doubt that first impressions count.

Whether you're expecting guests or you're hoping to transform your spare room into a rental, experts agree there are five key areas that friends notice first about your house. Thankfully, it takes minutes to correct them. Here, Miranda Cresswell, brand director at OneFineStay, and Ariel Kaye, CEO of Parachute and the newly opened Parachute Hotel, explain the most effective ways to update your home before guests arrive. Got five minutes to spare? Make these simple changes for a home that makes a lasting impression.

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