Tagged : home tips

Found 1 blog entry tagged as "home tips".

Here is a great blog posted in RISMedia's Housecall by Victoria Lim that gives great tips on how home staging can help in selling your home:

In the past, home sellers were told to tidy up, mow the lawn and perhaps do a few modifications; however, the current dog-eat-dog real estate market now demands a more hardball approach, and that's where home staging comes in.

Staging a home is a crucial selling point when marketing a house. Studies show that investment for staging takes 1 - 3 percent of the home’s requested price, while on average, it brings in an 8 - 10 percent return on investment. Indeed, effective home staging is more than just cleaning up. As a matter of fact, it is a blend of science and art, creativity and psychology. It contemplates how

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