Tagged : real estate tip

Found 9 blog entries tagged as "real estate tip".

Selling can be overwhelming. You're packing everything up, trying to make the house look pristine when all around you is what feels like chaos. Since buyers want that great first impression, you know it's important to declutter—often that means cleaning until your home looks like it's never been lived in. And while you’re rushing around, trying to find a new place for your items, it may seem like an impossible task.

Take a breather—it's actually easier than you think. Here are four staging tips that are so easy they may not have even crossed your mind:

Decorate for the potential buyer. You know who this is because you were once this person! If you're in a starter home neighborhood, the buyer will likely be a younger individual or couple who is

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Our Deer Valley Specialist Real Estate Tip this week is all about what investments give you the biggest return in your home.  This is an important thing to consider because when it comes time to sell your home your Deer Valley or Park City home you want to be sure you put your hard earned money into the right places.  The first place to invest is any major defect or issues with the home, such as broken air conditioning, leaking roof, or broken siding.  Catch these issues before they get to big and you can save in the long run.  Buyers appreciate a well taken care of home.  

The other two major areas that almost always have a good return are the bathrooms and kitchen.  We aren't talking a major tear down and expensive remodel, it could be as easy as

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Our Deer Valley Specialist Real Estate Tip this week is all about what investments give you the biggest return in your home.  This is an important thing to consider because when it comes time to sell your home your Deer Valley or Park City home you want to be sure you put your hard earned money into the right places.  The first place to invest is any major defect or issues with the home, such as broken air conditioning, leaking roof, or broken siding.  Catch these issues before they get to big and you can save in the long run.  Buyers appreciate a well taken care of home.  

The other two major areas that almost always have a good return are the bathrooms and kitchen.  We aren't talking a major tear down and expensive remodel, it could be as easy as

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Our Listing at Double Eagle in Deer Valley

When you put your home on the market you are no longer the home owner, you are the home seller. Sellers must adopt the mindset of the buyer and see the home through a buyer’s eyes. Overpriced properties run the risk of incurring excess carrying costs and extended time on the market.

These are some of the pricing myths sellers shouldn't fall for when pricing their home.

 It's Better To Price My Home On The Higher Side

Often times sellers think if a buyer is interested they will submit a “low-ball” offer but many buyers won’t risk offending a seller or wasting their time with an unreasonable seller. Sellers believe that lowering the price at a later date is an option but they risk losing buyers who aren't searching in that higher price range

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